Remember the time when you were in college, and exam time used to be the most fun with your dorm/hostel roommates? The palpable pressure of unfinished syllabus and the mounting tension of next day's impending fate at the Test, all combined to make you crack the stupidest of jokes over Maggi with study friends when you were taking that much-needed "break" from those tedious hours of study!
Well I always used to have these weird urges to write poetry, or watch a movie or paint (anything creative) during those ominous hours. My mind used to be bombarded with inspiration and artistic ideas that would inevitably will me into abandoning my books for a different pursuit. Well, the little voice in my head would reason out, "Just 5 minutes off won't hurt, would it? I just need to pen the thought" And once the penning starts, it goes on and on. It is like apocalypse is at your doorstep and you are still watching TV!!
It was during those times that I became surer of my interests and what I would like to have as a career. The way exam times showed me the way was unbelievable.. in fact quite magical. I still can't shake off those moments or the feeling of being torn between what I was doing and what I wanted to do.
Following are 4 lines I had scribbled on the question paper during an exam that describes how words played with me.
The pages were endless
And I flipped them like clockwork
Words they say are ceaselessly seamless
But no one told they did midnight wonders!