Wednesday, 12 February 2014

A valentine's for all of us!

So I was watching T.V. and 'The Middle' was on. For those of you who don't know-it's a series with  a bunch of weird characters whom if you come across while playing with the remote just to pass time, will probably keep skip channels without a second thought; but since I had taken a pledge (not so long ago) to give every-thing/one a chance before jumping into conclusions, decided to stick around for the first 10 minutes and Voila!!! A really sweet, light, funny entertainer was discovered (of course by me! duh!).

The episode today centered around the lately-much talked-about Valentine's Day. While the husband and wife in the episode grappled with 'How to celebrate the day this year', their 9 year old son grappled with how to come up with enough credible matter for his paper due next week and he had to get an A but the catch was the topic "The importance of Valentine's Day". Wasn't that a bit too heavy on a 9 year old? 

By the time the episode neared it's end my mind was spinning! Food for Thought: What indeed is the importance of this D-day that many keep waiting for while other curse at it's arrival!? There are so many opinions and judgments revolving around the way it is celebrated. Some buy expensive gifts and feel their work is done while some suffice with just a rose; then there are some who make elaborate projects out of making cards or handcrafting presents for their loved ones yet there are also some who meticulously go about planning an entire day (getting presents, flowers, champagne, movie tickets, dinner reservations so on and so forth), arguably a perfect day and the rest some just end up doing nothing.

When the little voice in their head tells them, "Don't you think you should do something?", they go "Naaaah ... my partner's awesome he/she already know how much I love him/her!! We don't need showy rituals!?!"


So now the question is in which category of these "Some" do you fall in?
Of course there's love 24x7, 365 days a year even when we are grumbling or fighting but isn't it worthwhile to be excited about this one day to celebrate your bittersweet love?
No one feels special every single day so would it really hurt to take the effort to make someone feel special for at least a day? So what's so difficult about spreading some happiness and being happy in the process? It is never about the money but about little gestures, which do happen unexpectedly now and then but we are just a bunch of lazies and busies to notice even if it stared us right in the face. We pass them by without so much as a 'Thank You'

So yes a Valentine's Day is necessary 'cause that's the only time of the year we our eyes (and minds) are open to what might happen 'cause we are wired that way. Wired to remember a few days that we expect to be memorable and valentine's is one of those few apart from our birthday. It's not necessarily about romance, it's a father's day mother's day friendship day all rolled into one. It's about a letter or a card, about togetherness and a walk-down-memory lane.

We always bring our best to people who don't even last in our lives even a month 'cause we are touchy about our "image", but how about bringing our best to people who really matter?! We are never going to say "that particular Thursday in September was a great surprise. Thanks!" <smiles> But we always say "Last year's Valentine's s*cked. Nothing happened"
So make it happen. If not for others then for yourselves. Like the closing line from that 9 year old's paper rightly said "Great stories are not made of great stuff, they are made of little gestures!"

Spread the Love
Rainbows and Cookies
Have a Happy Valentine's