Sunday 31 January 2016


He pulled chairs
And opened doors
For me
Brought flowers
Wrote letters
On a whim
I wondered
What's wrong?
What's the agenda?

I was but
A fool
He was plain

In today's time, we find chivalry rare. If a guy came up to you and did the right thing for the first time in your life, you would cringe, doubt and wonder what's wrong? Yes it is that rare, to the point of shock...

But they are still out there made up of love, truth, honesty, warmth and chivalry. These are the keepers. My heart lies with an oldschool guy, does yours too?


Wednesday 27 January 2016


I smell her in my cupboard
she's left her personality
in my room
the walls are her color
the curtains are heavy
just like she wanted.
Despite everything
she 's left.
she's left undaunted.

I play it over and over
in my head, oftentimes.
how could she?
and her note says
"so dependent! I cannot be"

Has it ever happened to you too? That you gave so much of yourself to someone and still fell short?
Maybe he/she was always a flight risk and you knew that, only never accepted. You thought you could make him /her stay but now that you draw the curtains, all this irony stare you in the face.

What do you think? Share your stories, I want to know.


Tuesday 26 January 2016


if people saw
as much
in words
as they did
in faces

the world
would be a
beautiful book
of poems and
we its pages

Most of the times I wonder what causes people to see the beauty in other's faces and not their words. That hideous doctored profile pictures should receive more validation than honest comprehensible sentences is quite out of my fathomable imagination. Is the world any less a poem? No, but it sure does fail to elicit the appreciation it deserves.



I adore the fact
that he likes
his wine with fritters
and not cheese

because I don't like
my whiskey with peanuts
I like it with fish

Let's drink to being wayward. How many of you don't live by the norm?
Note: Musings of an idle mind


Saturday 16 January 2016


Funny how people
on other people

Maybe one soul
does live nine lives

I still see her each day
he has his mother's hazel eyes
and my wife's crooked smile.

We see so much of someone in someone else. Maybe nobody dies after all. Aren't we mirrors reflecting so much more than just what we are?

Friday 15 January 2016


Sunny dresses
And bare toes
On the grass
Colored lips
Sipping coronas
Heady conversations
With green eyes
Under a clear sky
Time flies...

The day rolls
Into the night
In silence
And in laughter
With the touch of a finger
A tinge of blush
All the things I love
And fireworks.

Ever felt like a firework about to go off when you met someone that filled you with happiness? Yeah! that's exactly what I am talkin' about. Good day people! I hope you all have a day full of everything you love.


Thursday 14 January 2016


Lets be silent and solitary
Let's embark on a solo trip
Of self-discovery
With two tickets
Let's go for a run
In two pairs of shoes
Let no one know my flaws
Except you

Does it seem odd to you too?
Do you not feel a strange anomaly?
That my entire being refuses
To live  without your company?
